Hara Hara Mahaadeva
Hara Hara Mahaadeva
Hara Hara Mahaadeva Shaambo Kaashi Vishwaanaata Gange
В древнем городе Каши (Бенарес), на берегу реки Ганг, Шиве поклоняются как Повелителю Вселенной голые, покрытые пеплом йоги, которые всю ночь сидят в Маникарнаке - горящем гате, где огонь поглощает земные тела из тех, кто пришел в Каши, чтобы умереть - и повторять эту мантру до рассвета. Лодочники гребут на священной реке с именем Шивы на устах. Садху зажигают чили, зовут имя Шивы. Старые и больные бродят по улицам, ожидая момента, когда Сам Шива придет и будет шептать Божественное Имя Рамы! в их ушах, когда они делают последний вздох, заверяя их в освобождении.
In the ancient city of Kashi (Benares), on the banks of the Ganges river, Shiva is worshipped as Lord of the Universe by naked, ash-covered yogis, who sit all night at Manikarnaka – the burning ghat where fire consumes the earthly bodies of those who have come to Kashi to die – and chant this mantra until dawn. Boatmen row on the holy river with Shiva’s name on their lips. Sadhus light their chillums calling Shiva’s name. The old and sick wander the streets, waiting for the moment when Shiva Himself will come and whisper the Divine Name RAM! in their ears as they take their last breath, assuring them of liberation.
In the ancient city of Kashi (Benares), on the banks of the Ganges river, Shiva is worshipped as Lord of the Universe by naked, ash-covered yogis, who sit all night at Manikarnaka – the burning ghat where fire consumes the earthly bodies of those who have come to Kashi to die – and chant this mantra until dawn. Boatmen row on the holy river with Shiva’s name on their lips. Sadhus light their chillums calling Shiva’s name. The old and sick wander the streets, waiting for the moment when Shiva Himself will come and whisper the Divine Name RAM! in their ears as they take their last breath, assuring them of liberation.
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