Avaguna Chit Na Dharo

Исполнитель: Rattan Mohan Sharma
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Prabhu more avagun chit na dharo
samdarshi hai naam tiharo chahe to paar karo
ek nadiya ek naar kahave mailo neer bharo
jab dou mil ke ek baran bhaye sursari naam paryo
ek loha pooja mein raakhat ek ghar badhik paryo
paaras gun avagun nahi chitvat Kanchan karat kharo
ek jeev ek brahma kahave Sur Shyam jhagaro
abki ber mohi paar utaaro nahi pan jaat taryo
Господи, пожалуйста, не допускай в мой ум никаких загрязнений. Твое имя едино, пожалуйста, возьми меня под свою опеку. Есть река и водосточный желоб, наполненный грязной водой. Оба этих потока, когда встречаются, становятся единым океаном.

O Lord please dont keep any faults in my mind
Your name is equanimous
please take me under your shelter.
There is a river and a gutter that is filled with dirty water .
Both of them when meet together they are known with name of the ocean .
(sense: means men are divided in ill witted and a good witted person .They are compared with the river water and the gutter water.Both types of these are there in this world but where they all finally meet is an ocean that does not differentiate between these two gives space to both of them equally in the same way.Lord you are ocean where these two meet and accquire same colour of nature .)
Surdas ji again says that there is an iron that is used in the holy worships while there is another that lies with a brutal butcher .This is not a dilemma for the "Paras" (a stone that is characterized by turning all ferrous objects to golden ones), it converts all the iron in the form of pure gold.
(sense:you shold also not differentiate between good and bad and should shape everyone in one form that is you .)
He says there is a soul and a supersoul ,Surdas ji fights with the lord ... and says this time you need to take me accross this world I am not able to leave the proud in me so cant cross it by ownself .

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