Aisa Naam

Исполнитель: White Sun
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Muneh Surut Hoveh Mun BudhMuneh Sugul Bhavan Kee SudhMuneh Mohey Chot Na KaeyMuneh Jum Keh Sut Na Jaey Aisa Naam Nirunjan HoeyJay Ko Mun Janeh Mun Koey
By trusting what you hear when you listen, The truth of your own inner consciousness will saturate your psyche with wisdom and deep understanding.   By trusting what you hear when you listen, you shall dwell in all mansions of learning. By trusting what you hear when you listen, the blows and insults of others will not affect you. By trusting what you hear when you listen, death will have no power over you. Such is that true spirit within me, that it makes me become pure, clear and sweet. If you trust what you hear when you listen, then you will know what you see, how to understand and act.

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